Health care

Medical treatment

There are a number of children in our adoption program who have rather serious health problems. Here some cases:

  • We have a girl at the age of 11, born with HIV, blind, who can hear only with a hearing aid. Her parents died, she stays with her grandmother who is very ill and unable to take care of her. We bought her a hearing aid in 2012, through the donations of sponsors, but after two years the hearing aid broke and cannot be repaired.
  • Some of the children who were born with HIV need special diet and regular medical check-up. Even the travel from the village to the town where they can see the doctor is a financial challenge for some of these children, and the cost of medical consultation is another difficulty.


Mosquito net

From all the animals in the world, the mosquito has the most victims among humans. Malaria is wide spread on the African continent, and one of the most efficient and simple ways of defense is the use of a mosquito net. It costs 10 dollars.


Water for life

More than 15 million Kenyans do not have access to clean water, and the situation is worse in Tanzania. Access to clean water is just a dream to many; children and women walk miles every day to find a water source.

A few years ago a well was drilled not far from Daily Bread Children’s Home, Tanzania, through the help of some donors. The water is clean and good. People from three villages come for the water that is given away for free. The cost of drilling a well is rather high, therefore it would be more efficient to own a drilling station. It could be used to drill wells all over Kenya and Tanzania. One option would be to drill a well in the yard of a church, so that people could go there both for drinking water and the Water of Life!

There is the possibility of buying a drilling station that could be shipped to Africa in a container, if we had the funds to buy it. We have an local engineer in Tanzania who is a specialist in water drilling, he could be the person responsible for this project.
