
Pro Africa’s solution is to help these children physically, socially, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. We believe that the most adequate way to reach this goal is the symbolic adoption.

The children who need help belong to one of the following categories:

  1. Total orphans (both parents died)
  2. Partial orphans (one of the parents is alive)
  3. Vulnerable children (parents face great difficulties and are not able to provide for their children)

The symbolic adoption is not equal to a legal adoption. An adopted child, for 24 dollars a month, has food every day, clothes, goes to school and has the basic needs covered, for a minimum of one year. This program of adoption lasts until the child finishes school. If the child wants to continue to study after graduation from high-school, and has the mental capacity for that, we would try to supplement the monthly help with a scholarship.

The symbolic adoption makes it possible for some needy children to be transferred to better schools; also, those who had discontinued their studies due to lack of funds, could return to school and receive a new impulse in their education.

Maybe you don’t have the possibility to adopt a child by helping on a monthly basis, but you still want to help. There are various options, one of which is two families joining to adopt one child. There are cases when even a whole church adopted one or more children.

A special bond develops between the adopted child and the adoptive parent. Parents and adopted children can exchange letters and pictures. It is something very special for a child to know that somewhere in this world there is somebody who cares and prays for that child. On the other hand, it is a special experience for you, as a parent, to know that a child from another continent, in a hut of a slum or a little house in the African landscape prays for you every day, asking God to protect you and bless you so that you can continue to help that child.

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